Saturday, 9 November 2013

Face Recognition

  • Face, the foremost distinguishing feature of human body, making you the ‘unique you’, not only gives you an individual identity, but can also save you from security breaches and fraud transactions, can take care of your personal data, and prevent your PC, wireless network from plausible security threats!! 
  • Unlike the world of facebook, where you can wear different face every day, here it is the uniqueness of your face that makes all the difference.

What is Face Recognition ??

  • The fast track technology has brought the world at your finger tips, be it anything, it is not more than a click away. The easier life is getting day by day, the more complex it is becoming to escape from the traps intended to crack and get access to your private data.
  •  The growth of e-commerce wholly depends on the integrity of transaction. The reason why a big percentage of people are still hesitant to employ e-commerce is the increasing cases of fraudulent fund transfer, loss of privacy and misuse of identity. End-to-end trust is must for its success. The ubiquitous methods of user id and password combinations, access cards are no longer free from security threats.
  • ‘Biometrics’ is the study of measurable biological characteristics. It consists of several authentication techniques based on unique physical characteristics such as face, fingerprints, iris, hand geometry, retina, veins, and voice.
  • .‘Face recognition’ is a computer based security system capable of automatically verifying or identifying a person. It is one of the various techniques under Biometrics. Biometrics identifies or verifies a person based on individual’s physical characteristics by matching the real time patterns against the enrolled ones

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